What is Lime Wash?

Lime wash, a traditional decorative finish for walls, is crafted from slaked lime, water, and optional natural additives like pigments or adhesives. With a history spanning centuries, it has been prized in traditional and historic architecture for both its aesthetic appeal and protective qualities. This finish creates a matte, chalky appearance, adding texture and depth to surfaces while allowing them to breathe and develop a unique patina over time. It is commonly applied to both interior and exterior walls, offering a natural and eco-friendly alternative to synthetic paints.

Our versatile architectural topcoat builds upon this legacy, utilizing three pure, natural elements - lime putty, mineral pigments, and water. It champions eco-consciousness without sacrificing aesthetics, delivering a timeless matte finish available in a serene palette of gentle hues suitable for indoor and outdoor spaces alike. This innovative formula eliminates chemical solvents and artificial additives, ensuring a healthier environment and a more sustainable choice. Its adaptable composition allows for various application methods, from glazing to full-strength coating, catering to your creative vision.

Harnessing the inherent qualities of nature, our topcoat forms a durable, breathable layer that seamlessly bonds with mineral surfaces. Its versatility extends from untreated substrates to enhancing lime woodgrains, while non-mineral surfaces can benefit from preparation with our Bonding Primer for effortless application.

Elevate your surroundings with a finish that's as beautiful as it is conscientious - redefine your space with our natural, enduring solution.